La Palma, Michoacán Mexico.
Small Village, Population 350.
January 22nd 2049.
All women are kept in the basement , while the Male Centauri alien deflower all the men, young to old, their husbands, their brothers and their sons in the lobby of the motel. A once in a lifetime spectacle, an unbelievable sight, alien pandemonium brought to earth.
See, there is hardly anything that can arouse a Male Centauri alien more than the sounds of suffering produced by someone that has never taken any cock, be it extraterrestrial or not, that’s why they always take the men first. They love to rip their assholes apart with little to no lubricant, just a spit of their already acidic saliva will do; and yes, you can hear the men screams of agony and the alien roars of ecstasy from many blocks away, it is an awkward sound, it becomes an eerie chant, a song of terror that will make your skin crawl.
One of the terrorized women kneels in front of a 3 foot tall statue depicting a semi-nude, human specimen of skeletal physique affixed to an asymmetrical cross, presumably her choice of deity. She starts whispering a prayer as she clutches her hands and knees tight, other women follow. One of the Centauri guards approaches the scene, pulls out a gun-like device and starts scanning the statue from head to toe, this startles some of the women. Two minutes later, suddenly the statuette comes alive, it jumps out of the cross, stumbling and confused starts shouting in what seems to sound like ancient Latin. Some of the women faint, others tremble in horror. The guard points the device at the animated statue, adjusts its size to be just slightly larger, translates its Latin to modern Spanish (which repeatedly shouts in agonizing tone: My Lord, why have you forsaken me), and proceeds to disrobe and dishonor the frail looking creature in front of the women with his oversized sexual organ, pushing so hard and deep inside that it looks as if it could puncture and rip through the creature’s stomach. The creature starts speaking in ancient tongues, as if pleading for help not from god but from any entity that could hear him.
While some of the younger women are familiar with the ultra-realistic AHR (Augmented Holographic Reality), and simply choose to close their eyes and cover their ears, some of the grandmothers aren’t. They suffer cardiac arrests at the sight of this carnage. (To be continued)