The Betelgeuse species are in trouble. Their sun is expected to go Supernova in the next 100 years. Eighteen billion souls inhabitat a super earth and its orbiting moons. Betelgeuse are desperate to find a new home, and though they are slightly more technologically advanced than humans, they have not achieved interstellar travel.
To make the situation worse, the Betelgeuse species is to our Holy Lord and savior Vega what the Pegasi species is to the Male Centauri, a lethal allergic reaction, a poison, his weakness, one of the only living organisms that could cause his demise. He cannot be a few miles close to a Betelgeuse specimen without trembling uncontrollably with fever and crawling into a fetal position, frightened like a child. The only chance for survival so far comes in the form of a contract to for an allegiance with the Male Centauri, who could save them all, but demand in return their unconditional loyalty in all wars and their gratitude in the form of sexual slavery.
But the moral values of the Betelgeuse are in drastic contrast with the perversions of the Male Centauri. Betelgeuse don’t use sex as currency, they don’t kill for sport. In fact, they hold life so dear and so sacred that they coexist with their pests and critter infestations at home, because all sentient beings are of sacred value to them. Betelgeuse can’t even understand the concept of death penalty, but death sure is coming for all of them, young and old, moral or immoral, and they are running out of options. Will the Betelgeuse people cave in and join the Male Centauri in the pursue of unnecessary war and sexual torture, or will they choose to die while remaining puritans?
To be continued.
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