A mysterious incident takes place when our Lord Vega rescues the Fomalhaut species from an imminent catastrophe caused by a disturbance in the dusk cloud around their star. Vega’s lander, a small spaceship which always travels ahead of the fleet suddenly disappears, no explosion, no trace line, it just departs this realm so fast, faster than a fraction of a second, faster than the speed of light. Many speculate that perhaps he was kidnapped by inter-dimensional beings, perhaps they had a mission for him. Many fear him gone forever. In the meantime, Earth has to prepare to fight an intergalactic war without one our must beloved and powerful allies, the almighty Vega.
12 in
30.48 cm
7 in
17.78 cm
8 in
20.32 cm
SOFT: Shore 00 30, aka number 3 in the durometer scale (ECOFLEX 00 30 BY SMOOTH ON)
MED FIRM: Shore 00 50, aka number 5 in the durometer scale (ECOFLEX 00 50 BY SMOOTH ON)
These firmness match exactly those of popular toy store Bad Dragon.
This item has an estimated processing time of 3-5 weeks. Once shipped, domestic orders usually take 2-6 days to arrive while international orders usually take 4-10 days to arrive. Calculated rates are available from multiple carriers at check out.
All orders are subject to extended delays due to production setbacks.