(Story continued from Bellatrix XXL)

give up, my love, there is no use in fighting
if we were to win, our victory wouldn’t last
everything is eroded by the tides of time
so let them win, and let’s enjoy what’s left of our time
for I am afraid my love there is no afterlife
today they’ll live, today we’ll die
but tomorrow our offspring will kill them one by one
and everything else will crumble after
will anyone know that we existed, that we once were
that I loved you and that we died for this love
or will we remain a spec of dust in the vacuum of space,
adrift, unnoticed
Correspondence between two Trixian lovers, while in captivity, sentenced to death. January 2017. Planet Bellatrix C. SOC Universe 1.0.
(Story continues in Bellatrix Large)